Resident evil final chapter full movie clear
Resident evil final chapter full movie clear

When the barrel strikes, the crew inside the vehicle are burned alive. The survivors at the Raccoon settlement launch a flaming barrel of gasoline at one of Umbrella's armoured vehicles.Claire explains that she had been captured following the events of Resident Evil: Afterlife, but had managed to kill the pilot of a chopper that was bringing her to the Hive. Alice meets Claire Redfield again after arriving in Raccoon City.He quickly reanimates and tries to bite Alice, but she grabs him and pushes his head into a spiked pylon. The trooper tries to hold on but is bitten by several zombies and killed. Alice boots another of Isaacs' men over the side of the truck.

resident evil final chapter full movie clear

The soldier is then swarmed and devoured by the Undead horde chasing the truck. Alice catches up to Isaacs' truck and jumps aboard, kicking the Umbrella soldier atop the truck overboard.The nearest zombie lunges at her, but Alice uses the cable binding her arms to clothesline the zombie and then kicks its head in as she runs past. Alice's arms are tethered to Isaacs' truck and she is forced to run behind the truck while being chased by countless zombies.Isaacs shows her the severed heads of three Alice clones he had killed some time ago. Five Umbrella troopers ambush Alice at a bridge on the highway, but Alice steals a gun from one of them and shoots them all.Alice kills the creature by ripping a monitor off the wall and forcing it through the zombie's fragile neck, tearing its head off.

#Resident evil final chapter full movie clear series#

  • While conversing with Alice via a series of monitors in the ruins of the Washington bunker, the Red Queen alerts Alice to a mutated zombie that attacks her from behind.
  • The rest of the population have all either died or been turned into Undead.
  • Alice is contacted by the Red Queen who informs her that there are only 4472 human beings left alive on the surface of the Earth.
  • Alice then gets clear before the Claymore detonates, destroying the Humvee and the winged monster. After the creature gets in front of her, Alice rams the Humvee into the beast and then pulls the pin on a Claymore anti-personnel device inside the truck.
  • Alice is attacked by a giant flying creature (which resembles the Kipepeo creature from the Resident Evil games) and tries to flee from it in a Humvee.
  • at the end of Resident Evil: Retribution had all been wiped out after Albert Wesker's betrayal.
  • It is revealed that the army of survivors gathered in Washington D.C.
  • resident evil final chapter full movie clear

    With nowhere to go, the thirty other passengers on the cable car are trapped and all fall victim to the undead child and those infected by him. A doctor tries to resuscitate the boy, but the boy then turns into a zombie and starts biting the doctor.

    resident evil final chapter full movie clear

    During the prologue explaining the origins of the T-Virus, a child who had been treated with the so-called miracle cure dies while riding a mountainside cable car during a holiday.This article lists the various minor/background character deaths that occur in Paul W.S.

    Resident evil final chapter full movie clear